2024 NSDI forum
The NSDI policy stipulates that the NSDI Secretariat and all spatial data custodians should build capacity for the initial development and ongoing administration of the NSDI. Sustained capacity will ensure regular update of spatial data sets within the infrastructure. Several capacity building goals have also been outlined in the NSDI Strategic and Action Plan. As the NSDI Secretariat, the NSA has been conducting basic GIS training and rolling the Open Source GIS system in regional councils and local authorities in order to achieve these goals..
census mapping
exercise which is the process of dividing the country into smaller
units of land, during which EA boundaries and type are clearly
described. One of the outputs of the census mapping exercise
are the geo-referenced dwelling unit frame which enables us;
1. To locate every dwelling geographically on a map;
2. To collect associated attribute information about each dwelling unit;
3. To continuously maintain such a frame
The Statistics Act, No. 9 of 2011 and NSDI Policy of 2015 requires all government institutions and other institutions that plan to collect spatial data in Namibia to request for approval from the NSA (NSDI Secretariat) before commencing with such collection. It is recommended that such an application be received at least 3 months before the project start date..
To Coordinate, Facilitate and Support The Implementation Of An Information Infrastructure That Ensures Efficient Production, Use, Maintenance And Dissemination Of Relevant, Quality And Accurate Spatial Information That Is Fit-For Purpose, Particularly In Providing Evidence-Based Decision Making At All Levels Of Society.
Sectoral Report April 2024
NSA 2024-25 AWP Updated 19 Feb 2024 Internal vacancies IT NHIES positions June 20241 Census Post Mortem Survey – External (1) External Survey